myths about healthy eating

5 myths about healthy eating

Myths about healthy eating are one of the reasons some people prefer to eat pizza and burgers for lunch than a bowl of salad.

It is difficult to quit eating junk food and switching to healthy foods. Healthy eating here refers to eating a properly balanced diet.

Most junk foods contain a great amount of sugar. Eating sugary food releases pleasure hormones. That excitement you get when you drink soda or bite on your cheeseburger.

With all the health benefits attached to eating healthy, switching from junk to eating food rich in nutrients is a drag.

Healthy foods are not boring; your plate can spring up excitement too.

Eating healthy can increase your life span. Who doesn’t what to live healthy and longer?

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These five myths about healthy eating are causing your delay in making that switch.

1. Saying goodbye to sweet-sweet food.

Most people believe that switching to eating healthy food is boring. healthy food is not tasteless

fresh fruits like banana, orange contains natural sugar and is exciting to eat.

A bowl of fresh fruits is full of excitement.

Try this 

make a bowl of fresh milk, banana, watermelon, cucumber, and strawberries for breakfast.

Yummy right?

2. Healthy food doesn’t give you energy

The 2nd myth on our list is that eating healthy food doesn’t give you energy. If you do strenuous activities, e.g., work in construction, sports. Eating a balanced diet with carbohydrates gives you the energy needed and not just eating vegetables alone.

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3. Healthy food is boring

Eating a balanced is more exciting because your plate is filled with different varieties of food. protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc

4. It takes longer to prepare

Whipping up a salad takes half the time to prepare the pizza dough.

5. Healthy foods cannot be stored

Vegetables can stay up to 2days refrigerated. Also, you can dehydrate your food and store it in a dry place.


we try to demystify these common myths that cause people not to make a switch from eating junk to eating healthily.

If you are reading this because you want to make that switch, which of the myths have been holding you back?

please share with us in the comment section

Learn about the 8 best ways to lose weight this year.

Follow these tips on how to achieve the best summer body

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